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    Any topic concernig Czech (mainly) vintage car or bike is welcome here....   11.10.2006 / 3
    Can anyone help me? I am looking to buy a PAv trailer to add to my Ve....   22.01.2007 / 3
    I have included a photograph to try and get some help in removing the ....   18.02.2007 / 3
    Hi!   15.07.2009 / 3
    zxc   11.10.2010 / 3
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Jawa sadilek 250 cc 652 Model 1978 6 gears documentations and spare parts

 Hi all i am form Italy and i am looking for the motor maintenance manual (also photocopy)and spare parts for my bike see photo attached.
If anybody can halp me would be appreciated.
Write to or
Thank you in advance    [Marco]   24.10.2014 
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Skoda 3S160

 Hi all,

I'm in possession of an old Skoda 3S160 engine used as generator (manufactured in 1941). I tried to get some info of this engine like where it was used, but couldn't find anything. With Google I only find 6S160 build after the war. Are there any archives remaining where I could search for this engine number, showing where it was delivered after final assembly? Any information about this type of engine is welcome.


Martin    [Martin]   20.05.2018 
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Skoda 30 tractor

 Hi everybody!

I'm new overhere. I am Patrick, 22 years old and I'm from Holland.
My hobby is to restore, drive and work with oldtimer tractors.

Last year I bought a Skoda 30 with cabine. Now I am looking for information and other people who have a Skoda 30 or restored one. I also can use tips and tricks.

My tractor is running a bit on 1 cilinder on gasoline now. I've drained the old (yellow?) diesel, cleaned the fuel tanks, installed a diesel filter and repaired the carberator. I checked the fuel lines, these seem to be okay. I also checked the fuel line wich is going to the injectors, and there is no diesel spraying. I think maybe the dieselpump doesn't work? The sparkplugs are working.

Please let me know something.

Thank you very much!    [Patrick30] Registrovaný uživatel - nelze zobrazit kartu osobních údajů neregistrovaným návštěvníkům 21.01.2013 
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New on forum


I am Dutch and work and live in CZ from 2004.
I restaurate my old fire truck, Mercedes L408G from 1967 into a camper (see my www) and found in restauration of a Cezeta 501-03 a new project.
I found also this forum where I can found a lot of information    [LeenczRegistrovaný uživatel - nelze zobrazit kartu osobních údajů neregistrovaným návštěvníkům 24.08.2011 
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 zxc    [sebastian440] Registrovaný uživatel - zobrazit kartu osobních údajů  11.10.2010 
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Looking for a good mechanic able to work on Veteran bikes (Honda Four 750k2)

 HI all, I'd like to know if you can advice on any good mechanic around Prague that could check/ repair a Honda four 750k2.

Thanks a lot
Gianni    [revjanjoRegistrovaný uživatel - nelze zobrazit kartu osobních údajů neregistrovaným návštěvníkům  17.04.2011 
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Metalex 3-03 !!!

 I've got next Metalex 125 in allegro.    [sebastian440] Registrovaný uživatel - zobrazit kartu osobních údajů 18.10.2010 
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I just Want to restore a CZ 125cc type C but have some questions, please help!

 I want to restore the bike back into his original condition and drive it on the public-road again. In order to do this, I have 2 important questions.

1 - To get my ducth license plate on the bike again, I need to prove the factory contruction year of the bike. I have the frame-engine number for indentification, So is there somebody that can prove the contruction year on paper, sample: overview?
2 - I also need new parts for the bike sa, gasket set for the engine etc..where can I buy those parts?    [dehcRegistrovaný uživatel - zobrazit kartu osobních údajů  07.02.2010 
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Exhaust pipe for Jawa CZ 175 model 450.02 1962

 Hello everybody,
I'm renovating Jawa CZ 175 model 450.02 1962 (see picture enclosed). I'm looking for now the exhaust pipe for this vehicle. I've heard that somebody produces it in Czech Republic. Could you help me to buy this spare part?

I will appreciate any tips and suggestions. Thanks in advance.    [Romek]   17.11.2009 
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Hi to everyone.
Do you mind if I ask you for an advice?

 Hi to everyone.
I have been trying to find a part for my JAWA.
I have JAWA-250(501). And I am looking for a PISTON with a nominal size.
Is it possible to order it somewhere in CZ republic?
A problem is that I am outside of CZ.
Thank you.    [vinRegistrovaný uživatel - nelze zobrazit kartu osobních údajů neregistrovaným návštěvníkům  01.05.2009 
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 Where can I buy the original piston in jawa 638? I have a friend in the city of Brno, but the store seems permanently closed ... Give the link or adress.
I live in Ukraine.    [Andrew Kisel]   15.07.2009 
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Zodpovězené téma  Hello fellow Jawa-enthousiasts,

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a suggestion for a good and reliable adress in or near Prague where I could get parts for my '57 Jawa/CZ type 355 and '62 Jawa type 354. I am currently staying with my familiy in Prague and was hoping to be able to buy some parts before I have to leave. I hope anyone can help me. Thanks!

Best regards,

Miel van Aalst.    [M. van Aalst]   27.12.2006 
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Zodpovězené téma  Can anyone help me? I am looking to buy a PAv trailer to add to my Vespa Scooter. They are impossible to find here in Scotland!!
It must be complete and in good condition. Would it also be possible for the seller to arrange postage? I would obviously pay for this.! Any help is gratefully received. Ps i don't understand any Czech! Please send any information pictures etc to my email address. Many Thanks Glenn Smith.    [glenn smith]   22.01.2007 
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Zodpovězené téma  Hello!
I wonder if anyone here knows a good place in the Czech republic to buy spare parts for Velorex 562 sidecars from? Since I live in Sweden I need the parts to be sent to me.
Henrik    [Henrik]   31.05.2007 
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Zobrazit fotografiiZodpovězené téma  Dobrý den, nevíte někdo něco bližšího o tomto vývozním stroji? Má štítek v angličtině, modrobílá barva je původní. Na internetu jsem podobnou nenašel.    [Ondřej Nešpor]   08.08.2007 
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Nezodpovězené téma  Hello,

I hope that somebody can help me.

I`m looking for a Zetor super 35 pásový. Where can I but this tractor.
Also looking for a zetor 18 and a 26

I hope someone can help me    [Zetor super pásový]  15.08.2007 
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Zodpovězené téma  Any topic concernig Czech (mainly) vintage car or bike is welcome here. Foreigners don`t hesitate to ask please.    [JzK]   11.10.2006 
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Nezodpovězené téma  Hallo...I am searching a carburator Jikov 2924 SBD for my CZ 125 sport mod. 476....could anyone help me ? My email is Thanks !    [Marco]  05.04.2007 
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Zobrazit fotografiiZodpovězené téma  I have included a photograph to try and get some help in removing the outer bearing shell from the conrod of my Jawa OHC 500. It is very tight and I don't want to tear the aluminium from the conrod.
Hope some one can help.
regards Rob.    [Robert Fromm]   18.02.2007 
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Zodpovězené téma  I live in Australia and am restoring a Jawa OHC 500 model 15-00 engine number 485. I need some help how to get the outer bearing shell out of the conrod bigend.. I have placed some heat on it and tried to press the outer bearing casing out, but it is very tight and I am worried about damaging the conrod.
Hope some one can help.
Rob.    [Robert Fromm 251 Jensens Rd Warwick 4370 QLD Austr]   15.02.2007 
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Zodpovězené téma  Dobri den!

I only speak a little Czech. I have a 1957 Jawa 500 ohc.

I am resoring the front forks ( Vidlice) I need the following parts to rebuild them
Durocelova pouzdro ( white plastic bushings #3 in parts manual
Tesnici Krouzek ( main fork seal #4 in parts manual)
Tesnici krouzek ( rubber sealing washer between springs #9
Plast Dolni ( lower chrome cover #17)
Pist uplny ( the long rod/piston assembly #22)

I visit the Czech Republic often and would like to find a good source for 500 ohc parts. I live in Chicago USA. Please contact me directly with email with information on a parts source.


Glenn Bukac

I visit Hradec Kralove every year and I also have been to the Velorex meet in Boskovice 5 times.    [Glenn Bukac]   06.02.2007 
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Zodpovězené téma  Could anyone help me with my PAV. I am restoring a 41 and I am looking for a spare parts web site. Especially for the rubber trim inside the lid.
Any help greatly appreciated :)    [James]   30.10.2006 
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